Hunter Evan's Web Page

Black Labrador Retriever (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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About Hunter Evan

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 19-0104
  • General Color: Black
  • Current Size: 71 Pounds
  • Current Age: 12 Years 6 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes

Hunter needs a foster or adopter ASAP.  His fosters are leaving on a trip soon.  

From Hunter's Devoted Fosters: 


Hunter is a beautiful, adorable, lovable black Lab who is the perfect indoor house dog in every way.  He’s fully house trained and lets you know when he has to go potty by coming up to you, looking you intensely in the eyes and when asked if he has to go out to potty, he’ll bark which means, “Yes!”.  Having a large yet cozy crate available, he does not use it, nor does he need it.  He roams freely around the house ignoring anything that isn’t his and playing with only his own toys and bones.  He soft mouthes his cushy toys often bringing them to you in hopes of a bit of play time.  Although he is about 7 years old he can act like a 3 year old when chasing a ball or toy outside or rough-housing inside.  Hunter is a velcro kind of guy and will follow you everywhere. Haha, maybe his nickname should be Shadow!


He is able to be left alone in the house and doesn’t display any negative or destructive behavior but will bark if closed in a room when he can hear other people in the house.  He is comfortable being with people and has made friends with neighbors, visitors and family members.  He has not been around young children but has watched (from a fenced in yard)  the elementary school children of various neighbors play outdoors with great interest but has not barked or reacted to them. 


Hunter sleeps through the night sleeping on our bedroom floor in his bed, going to bed when we do and getting up also when we do. If one of us gets up in the middle of the night sometimes he too gets awake but goes right back to his bed when we go back.  We found that if you want to sleep in a bit and he needs to go potty, we can let him out into the fenced in yard and then he comes right back in and goes back to bed until we want to get up.  If he had his wishes, he’d be sleeping in bed with us but we don’t allow this in case the lucky adopter doesn’t like a dog in their bed.


What a quick learner!   Hunter made a very quick and easy adjustment to his new foster environment and now knows: sit, come, stay, down, out, up, back, cookie, kiss, names of various toys, and is learning more each day.  AND he’s come to learn that he likes small ice cubes, banana bites, carrots, peanut butter and of course bites of cooked chicken or beef.  He gently takes treats out of your hand.  Oh, what a good boy!!


Hunter has made great strides when walking on leash but he is reactive to other animals including squirrels, cats and some other dogs.  Because of this, walks are done during times when most other people in the neighborhood are not walking their dogs.  On the occasions that a dog is seen down the road, interaction is avoided since he can be reactive.  We use a specific halter and leash which help when he is reactive.  But normally he walks beautifully on the leash.   Although Hunter lived with another older female dog and got along with her, he should currently be an only dog for now.  This could change if reactivity is worked on or if he gets along with a specific dog.  We have only allowed him to be off leash outside when in a secure fenced in area. 


His most favorite thing is to be with you when sitting on the sofa and snuggling.  He is the cuddliest Lab we’ve ever had.  What a sweet guy!! 


Hunter came to rescue with skin issues but has completed medication and bath treatments.  Now his fur is soft, shiny and filling in where it was previously thin. 

Please won't you consider giving this guy his forever home.  You won't regret it.  He will give you back every bit of love that you give to him.



More about Hunter Evan

Good with Kids


Click here for the ADOPTION APPLICATION if you are interested in adopting this pet.

Applications are the first step in the adoption processPlease do not call or email simply to express interest. We are all volunteers and receiving your application saves us time and helps to determine the best match for both people and dogs. 

We provide as much information as we currently have on each dog in their description. For questions on the adoption process, including fees, please review the Adoption page. If you have additional questions or are interested in adopting, please fill out an adoption application. Once we receive your application someone will be in touch to answer your questions.
We do not arrange visits to meet dogs without an application. If you'd like to meet a variety of dogs without filling out an application please attend one of our events, listed under the events link.

 Thank you!

Video of Hunter Evan:

Other Pictures of Hunter Evan (click to see larger version):

Hunter Evan Hunter Evan Hunter Evan