Jack Russell Terrier : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small Learn more about the Jack Russell Terrier.
Lacy Lee is a spayed female Jack Russell Terrier. She is approximatley 4 1/2 years old. Lacy Lee is a very friendly and affectionate little dog. She has lived with three other dogs and two cats. Lacy is good with children and is housetrained. She has never been crated. She will chew up her stuffed toys, but is not destructive in the home. Lacy is used to sleeping in bed with her owners and loves to cuddle. She is not food aggressive with humans, but can protect her toys and food from her furry friends (typical JRT). Her owner said she is quite energetic. Lacy Lee is losing her home because the owners have to move and aren't allowed to take their dogs. Lacy will make someone a very playful, but cuddly companion. A fenced in yard is highly recommended as she will scoot out the door and run if given the opportunity. 2/24/2011: Foster Update: Lucey will make a great family dog for someone, a more active family would be great & especially if there's a fenced yard would be even better. She has not tried to escape here but knows to wait for the leash & where to stand when the door is being opened. More about Lacy LeeGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Lacy Lee's companion, Shadow Magee (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ Click here for the ADOPTION APPLICATION if you are interested in adopting this pet. Applications are the first step in the adoption process. Please do not call or email simply to express interest. We are all volunteers and receiving your application saves us time and helps to determine the best match for both people and dogs. We provide as much information as we currently have on each dog in their description. For questions on the adoption process, including fees, please review the Adoption page. If you have additional questions or are interested in adopting, please fill out an adoption application. Once we receive your application someone will be in touch to answer your questions. Thank you! |