Buddy Holly's Sponsorship Page
Buddy Holly

Do you like a handsome shaggy dog with some serious character?  Do you love senior dogs?  
Buddy may be the guy for you! 
He is a 13-year-old Lhasa with 23 pounds of more or less equal parts sweet and spunk.  His elderly owner was no longer able to care for him and his canine "sister" (Malva) and they came to one of our foster families.  His 8 year old sister,was adopted and Buddy is doing OK with the other little dogs in his foster home for company.   
His hearing isnt great, he sleeps a lot and with typical Lhasa-tude, he can be grouchy and grumbly sometimes, but does enjoy a belly rub from time to time. He'll let you know when.

Buddy Holly's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
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the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
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