Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

In 55 years of breeding, training, and loving Labradors, I can honestly say that I have never had a better, more loving, smarter dog than Amber. As you remember, she didn't even know her name (so we renamed her) nor did she understand the value of human contact. The first time we saw her, Kay stayed out in the car while I signed papers. When I came out Kay told me that she had talked and cooed to her for five minutes, and the dog showed no response. Kay said that she might as well as had the radio on. Frankly, we were not sure what we had gotten in to. We were a little concerned if she would ever adjust to human contact. Well, within two days she was house broken and learning to sit. Now, after three months, she sits, stays, comes, retrieves, and a dozen other commands that I use for our convenience around the house. Regarding her responding to love, she has been amazing. The first two days, she wasn't at all sure what affection was, nor whether she liked it. On the third night, I as sitting in my recliner scratching her under her chin. I then began to massage her around the jowls and ears. Her eyes softened and she began to lean into me. Suddenly, she began talk to me with a very low- throated purring sound that sounded almost like a groan. I slid onto the floor with her and took her in my arms. For more that an hour, we "talked" with each other, and generally petted, leaned, stroked and loved each other. Since then, all of our lives have all been enriched. One of the pictures I am attaching shows her with her front feet on my lap. She does that on command and then just sits there and "talks" to me while I stroke her. You can see the love in her eyes. She is a delight. We tell all our friends that she is a rescue dog--She rescued us! Thank you for bring her into our lives. Chuck & Kay