Animal Success Stories
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12/24/11: The photo shows my son Richard with Oreo, we saved her from a puppy mill and do not know what kind of dog she is but we don't mind.  She is dressed as Mrs. Claus.  Rick my husband has Charlie (formerly Spot) and he is Santa.  I thought you would like to see who adopted Charlie and know he is living the pampered life.  I even have winter and fall coats for my dogs to keep them warm also.  They love to be together and are really great watch dogs, especially Charlie he may be small but if he doesn't know you you will not get in the door until I tell him it's ok.  Then he sits and watches them for a bit just to make sure...  Both the dogs are definitely mamas babies.  I work 3rd shift now and stay up on my days off to keep a sleep schedule, well the dogs stay up with me on the couch although at about 2 a.m. they fall asleep, but if I move they are looking to see what's going on.  They are getting great care so let everyone know how much we enjoy Charlie and so does should see them play's great.
Amanda Hitchcock and Family