Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Marley (now Chloe) came to us in December.  (She's the second from the right). She fit right in with our packs, both human and dog.  My one daughter dresses her up daily in all her little dog clothes and Chloe doesn't mind a bit.  My other daughter loves to take her for walks because she is an awesome jogging partner.  She and Zoe, the pom pup, are inseparable.  They are constantly chasing each other and taking each other's toys.  Chloe is the funniest dog that we've ever had.  She makes us laugh every day!  She loves to walk across the kitchen floor on her back legs when we are carrying food – just in case we drop something.  She is full of energy and loves everyone.  She plays hard and then falls asleep on John for her naps.  She is an absolute joy for us and we appreciate her being in our lives.  Thanks Haven to Home!


The Willoughbys