Links and Resources: Lost and Found Dog Protocol: Please use this information to help locate the owners of a stray dog, or to locate your lost dog. GreaterGood Network has given more than $20 million to non-profit charities around the world since 1999. Find Toto - This site offers a calling service to local neighbors to help find your missing pet. Find Toto will donate $5 to Haven to Home if you elect to use their services. Pet Amber Alert - This site offers a service to call local neighbors to help find your missing pet. Pet Guardian Angels of America - PGAA strives to provide pet related information to help our visitors better understand what kind of pet would fit their lifestyle and, once they owned a pet, to make sure the pet was well taken care of – emotionally and physically. The site includes dog and cat breed selection guides, breed profiles, small mammal guides, domestic bird guides, and fish, reptile and amphibian articles. We also maintain an adoption/rescue index and provide free assistance in re-homing your pet. Pet Friendly Housing - Zillow’s Homepage: Pet-Friendly Rentals in Pennsylvania: OR There isn't much in the way of local pet friendly housing listed but if you're moving out of the area, these sites may help. The Rescue Shelter Group - Search for breed specific rescues in your area: Sue Sternberg's Train to Adopt Program. Humane Guidelines and a Training Program for Dogs in Shelters Vet bill help