Animal Success Stories
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Christmas day is at our house, and Maggie really enjoyed all of the attention she received. You would have really enjoyed seeing Maggie with my sister's aunt-in -law. Dolly is 80 years old and has had several strokes. Maggie sat in front of Dolly and rested her head in her lap. Dolly just loved it. I don't think you or Teresa would recognize Maggie if you saw her today. She now runs through the house, tail wagging. She likes to wear a sweater. I'm not sure if it is for warmth or if it makes her feel more secure. Her walking on the lead has greatly improved with the help of an easy walk. It is a harness that has a sliding d ring on the chest, if the dog pulls, it turns them to face you. We are changing her food over to a gluten free food. We noticed two more hot spots, and she had a ear infection when we took her to the vet. So we are going to see if this helps. We are making slow progress on the her nails, but it is progress. She did have a couple of accidents in the house, but we think that she is house broken now. We will start leaving her alone for short periods of time this week. Trying to avoid any separation anxiety. As soon as I can get a picture of her sleeping, I will have to forward it to you. You will laugh, she sleeps on two quilts, has her head on a doggy pillow, and is covered by an afghan. Things have changed.