Animal Success Stories
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Maggie M

Hi Linda, We took a week's trip to South Bend, Indiana for the International Studebaker Meet. Maggie had never been in the motorhome so we took her for a ride to Muncy and back home again a couple of days before we left for Indiana. I was concerned she might become ill from riding so far to Indiana. I have slipcovers made from old sheets so dog hair wasn't a problem. Maggie was a champion! She spent most of the time laying on the couch and looking out the windows. The couch was Maggie's!! She slept there too. We didn't need to scold her at all for anything! She just loved being with us, and enjoyed the people making a big fuss over how cute she is at the Meet and the campgrounds. She didn't get sick at all. Maggie is one in a million! When Al comes home from work she is on a chain waiting for Daddy. She runs to him as soon as he gets out of the truck and reaches the sidewalk, puts her front paws on his shoulders and tucks her head under his chin. Her tail goes so fast and she wiggles all over. What a sight! During the day she is Mom's girl. She hears and sees everything. The neighbor's can't leave their driveway, get their newspaper or mail without her telling me! The neighbors across the road have a dog, and Maggie whimpers when she sees Jasper in their long driveway. Route 54 is so busy with all the tractor-trailers we can't take a chance letting her loose outside. Inside the house she is my constant companion! Can you tell we just love her!!? Mary Albert and Mary